Object biography by Gloriana Xia on the Medicine Buddha … [Read more...]
Updating Yamantaka Collage by Tenzing Rigdol
Object biography by Madeleine Stuzin on a Yamantaka Collage created by Tenzing Rigdol … [Read more...]
Pilgrimage Map of Mount Wutai
Object biography on the Pilgrimage Map of Mount Wutai by Xian Yang … [Read more...]
Ritual Dagger (phur-bu)
Object biography on the phur-bu by John Avendano … [Read more...]
Stirrups: The Unappreciated Hero
Object biography on stirrups by Chase Manze … [Read more...]
Woodblock Printing in TAR
Object biography on woodblock printing by Laine Parsons … [Read more...]
Vajrabhairava Silk Thang-ka
Object biography on Vajrabhairava Tapestry by Edward Ward Excerpt: Vajrabhairava is a wrathful emanation of Manjusri, the Bodhisattva of Wisdom, and is utilized as a meditational deity. The name is derived from a Sanskrit word which translates to "Indestructibly Frightening."1 Manjusri is seen to emanate as multiple wrathful deities, most commonly Yamantaka, all surrounded … [Read more...]
Object biography by Dakshina Chetti, view full bio HERE, (excerpt below). Torma, coming from gtor-ba meaning to "cast away, break up, or scatter”, is the singular form for the flour and butter sculptures ritual cakes made as offerings in Tibetan Buddhist ceremonies. Although a staple benefaction in the religious proceedings of the Tibetan peoples, the Torma possesses … [Read more...]
Protective Wood Block Print
Object biography by Michaela O'Connor, view HERE. Introduction: "The object I chose to discuss is the Protective Wood Block Print. This object was particularly appealing to me during the Treasure Hunt stage of the paper because I focused on Avalokitesvara for my first paper and found the bodhisattva's importance in both religion and Tibetan identity intriguing. The … [Read more...]
Treasure Hunt
Object biography by Karina Dundukova, view HERE. Introduction: A fractal is a mathematical set or concrete object that is irregular or fragmented at all scales. A fractal is a way of seeing infinity. Benoit Mandelbrot CHOICE OF THE OBJECT In search for a Tibetan object for my analysis I came across an image of Medicine Buddha – a 20th century Wall Mural from … [Read more...]
Prayer Wheel Object Biography
Object biography by Juliana Remark, view HERE. Introduction: "The object shown is a prayer wheel (below) , which is an integral object in Tibetan Buddhism. The goal of the Tibetan prayer wheel is to “relieve the misery of all beings” (Sakya 2012). Inside of prayer wheels are Mantras, sacred prayers associated with certain deities that are “empowered by enlightened beings and … [Read more...]
Tibetan Pilgrimage Through a Lhasa Cityscape
Object biography by Jenna Bucien, view HERE. Introduction: "I was first introduced to this unique idealized cityscape genre through the Monumental Lhasa exhibit at the Rubin Art Museum. This exhibit featured visions of Lhasa from the lens of both Tibetans and foreigners during the Ganden Podrang governance (1642-1959). In the exhibit brochure, curator Natasha Kimmet … [Read more...]
Discourse on the Demoness: A Look at Tibetan Geomancy and Landscape
Object biography by Ivy Chen, view HERE. Introduction: "Maps tell a story, not solely the story crafted by the cartographers and explorers who ventured to these previously unknown realms, but also the history of a civilization. While not one of the most traditional genres of art history analysis, reliving a space from the perspective of both those who occupied it as well as … [Read more...]
Tibetan Prayer Wheel
Object biography by Frankcarlos Castro, view HERE. Introduction: "The Prayer Wheel or mani ´khor lo (Sanskrit) is a common religious tool used by the Tibetan people. Some experts believe that the prayer wheels evolved from revolving octagonal Chinese bookcases dating back to 9th century. This assumption is supported by the existence of octagonal prayer wheels in Mongolia. … [Read more...]
Cosmological Scroll
Object biography by Corn Bronsther, view HERE. Introduction: "The Tibetan medical tradition represents an interesting intersection between fundamental Buddhist ideas and the empirical observation of the human body. Janet Gyatso writes about the medical tradition: “How can one adjudicate between the Buddha’s word and empirical observation? In Tibet these questions were never … [Read more...]
Tibetan Human Cranium Prayer Beads
by Victoria Dombronski Michel's Adventures with Tibetan Human Cranium Prayer Beads Mala’s story begins with a traveling student, Michel, who finds a circle of beads on a dirt path while studying abroad in Tibet. Michel began to analyze the beads as he carefully manipulated them in his hands. Are these bone? It certainly looks like it. Did this ritual object really all start … [Read more...]
Phurba with three faces of Vajrakila Buddha
by Ryan Hudson "Vajrakilaya, or kīla, means something sharp, and something that pierces – a dagger. A dagger that is so sharp it can pierce anything, while at the same time nothing can pierce it. That is the quality. This sharp and piercing energy is what is used to practice and out of the many infinite, endless Vajrayana methods this happens to be one of most important … [Read more...]
The Headdress: Women’s Status Symbol
by Alexandra Cassutt for INTRO EAST ASIAN CIV: TIBET V2365- 001 While from the outset hundreds of years back Tibet's economy was run by and largely for patriarchal interests, there continues to this day a tradition of female adornment which expresses, through the use of a multitude of precious stones, a woman's status and that of her family. The women of the … [Read more...]
Tiny House Hunting
by Sara Novak Lerner View project in Mediathread My chosen object for this project, the Black Tent is unique because it's been photographed in its natural environment, which gives me the opportunity to discuss its surroundings as well. I also want to take this opportunity to do a bit of research on the Tibetan nomads, who comprise more than three-quarters of the … [Read more...]